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FDA renewal

If you are already registered, Euroconsultants takes care of your renewal free of charge ! All you have to do is fill in the following form.

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Step 1 / 7

Legal designation of company (include businessstructure: SARL, SA, GAEC)

💡 Please make sure to give the right information. Do not hesitate to have your legal documents with you during the following procedure.

Fields marked with an * must be completed to proceed to the next step.

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Step 2 / 7

Name used in trade if different from legal designation

💡This concerns trademarks. List no more than three trademarks. This step is optional, as the FDA does not require a list of trademarks.

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Etape 3 / 7

Name and address of the company(ies) to register ifdifferent from company designation (step 1)

💡 This concerns trademarks. List no more than three trademarks. This step is optional, as the FDA does not require a list of trademarks.
Worth noting: any production, packaging (labeling, wrapping) or storage company that exports to the United States MUST BE REGISTERED. If production, packaging and storage are carried out in separate locations, each facility must be registered.

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Step 4 / 7

Information on parent company (if different fromsection 1)

💡 For example, if the registrant company iscontrolled by another entity.

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Step 5 / 7

Information on the person in charge

💡 Owner, CEO, managing director, or agent incharge, for example liquidator or administrator. “Agent in charge” is not USFDA agent. 

Fields marked with an * must be completed to proceed to the next step.

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Step 6 / 7

Emergency contact

💡 Your agent will be the FDA’s 24/7 priority contact. Your US FDA agent must be able to reach you urgently, as the law gives him 24 hours to answer the FDA.

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Step 7 / 7

💡 Please check all the boxes that apply to your business. 

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💡 For example, “wines”, “cheeses”, “pastries”,“bakery products”, “honey”.

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💡 Please check the boxes below that apply. In regard to cheeses, it is very important to specify the category (soft cheese, semi-hard cheese etc.)

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Renewing the license is free, so you don't have to pay anything today. Please only validate your request using the button below:

Vous enregistrez votre entreprise pour la première fois ?

Pour les entreprises qui s’enregistrent pour la première fois, le montant des frais d’enregistrement s’élèvent à 350$.

Je souhaite m'enregistrer

Vous souhaitez renouveler l’enregistrement FDA de votre entreprise.

Si vous avez déjà procédé à votre enregistrement FDA avec Euroconsultants Inc., les frais d’enregistrement sont gratuits. Une fois votre ré-enregistrement effectué, nos équipes vériferons vos informations.

Je souhaite me ré-enregistrer
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